Posts Tagged ‘sugar’

 May  is my favorite month.   I 'm a  Taurus  and proud of it.   I'm so Taurus- five planets in Taurus.  To many, that  might mean I'm stubborn.  I like to think of myself as cautious or slow to change.  I can and do change.   Recently, I have  had a major change of heart about Indian food.  I had some unpleasant Indian food experiences when I was  young and decided I did not like the spices.  Well in the last 3 months, I have done a one eighty and now I  am loving Indian food.  I mentioned Chana Masala ( Chickpea stew) in my  last entry.  Tonight I   finally made a fantastic mango lassi ( yogurt drink)   after three attempts .  Mango lassi  is a nice love drink.  Made with  fresh mango & cardamon, I added a dash of Vanilla extract.  I  also used the plain lassi   (base drink)  from Trader Joes.  Add some sugar and blend  for  30 seconds.   My next  step is going to making homemade chutneys.  After years- no make that decades of fearing the idea of gardening, have finally started  a tiny herb garden.   I 'm always buying basil and it is  time for me to grow my own.  


After seeing the  Korean film POETRY last month ( twice), I started thinking about  writing poetry again.   A week later I saw a notice at one of the libraries in my area for a poetry slam.  In my personal life, I'm dealing with a few people  with whom I'm having serious communication problems.  I  guess I could write yet another letter to the Universe and offer it up as a prayer.   Since my art  comes from my life and personal experiences, I decided  that  I was going to write poems  instead.  I also wrote  a poem about  my  relationship with sugar ( a very dysfunctional one).   The event was video taped and is on the internet so there is no  point in me hiding  what I wrote.   My purpose for attending and participating in the poetry  slam was to speak my truth  out loud  and  release the  pent- up feelings  that have festered  because I cannot communicate with certain people.  I look  at the poetry reading as public purging of  my personal demons.   This is my personal journey with  Pluto at the moment.  It is all about communication; writing and speaking my truth as a way to step into  the light from the darkness.  More therapy- awesome! The healing journey continues.  Therapy and I get fame too.  Definitely a win-win situation ( ha,ha).


It is obvious  that I love films ( movies).   I like to think it may be for this  secret I 'm about to reveal ( although  I don't think there really is a correlation) .   My paternal grandmother ( whom I named  after and died of breast cancer two years before I was born), had someone who was madly in love with her and wanted to marry her.  The person was Louis B. Mayer ( before he  moved out to California).  My grandmother didn't marry him  but married my grandfather instead.  My grandfather was a French and Spanish teacher at Dewitt Clinton High School in the Bronx.  When he passed away in 1974 from a brain tumor, they dedicated a wing of the  school in his name.  I  interacted with my grandfather a few times when I was young. In my opinion, he resembled Louis B. Mayer.  Interesting.   Speaking of  the film industry, I  loved the HBO documentary HIS WAY  about legendary film producer Jerry Weintraub.   The best part of the documentary was the shocking twist  about his love life.  Mr. Weintraub is a great salesman  but his greatest score is definitely his love life.    He may be the envy of most men in America.  After seeing the documentary I ran to  google Mr. Weintraub and find out his  astrological sign.   He's a  Libra so  he is naturally very charming and graceful.  Libra, an air sign  have the gift of gab.  



 For the following original poems by me  here is an Artistic Disclaimer from me, Katie Pfeiffer :

Any  resemblance, likeness or similarity to any real or living person or persons is purely coincidental






Groundhog day

At the post office 

Cupid is in the air


I feel him

Cinnamon infused

Body,breath & hair

Yet something’s amiss

Squirrels dance in my tummy

 I walk out,

Crash into you

My head

Your chest

Here you are

The Karma King


King of Cups & Hearts

Cancer man

Broad shoulders

Brown eyes

Hold my hand

Not a handshake

An electric shock


Thru my body

Angels,flowers and hearts

Swirl around your head


I unintentionally

Spit on you

Groundhog Day

Just like the movie

Obviously our karma

Isn’t finished

Round & round we go

What’s the lesson?

Still don’t know.



——Katie Pfeiffer 



Copyright 2011 Katie Pfeiffer All Rights Reserved




Sugar you are not my friend

You tease and taunt me

Seduce my tastebuds

You promise me energy

But I always end up crashing

Fill me with dreams 

But I’m left with empty calories

and body fat

Sugar I love you 

Why are you so cruel?

You mess with mind

Appear in many guises

Pastel colors & pretty packages

You lie still

Wait for me

You know I’m weak

Especially during that

time of the month

You know I crave you

You’ve got the power

Chocolate crunchy

Creamy smooth

You are everywhere

but you are nothing

I’m addicted to you

Sugar, you Devil

Why can’t you just 

leave me in peace?

I’ve tried so many times

to end our relationship

but I keep coming back


———Katie Pfeiffer

            April 20, 2011

Copyright 2011 Katie Pfeiffer All Rights Reserved